The Red Woman

Cyrus Wild
Intuitive Creations
4 min readOct 27, 2021


Part 1: Red Waters

Again! I awaken. A gasping inhale reintroducing air into my lungs. This time on my back, partially submerged on a boulder at the center of a black pond. I sit to catch my breath taking in my surroundings.

I see trees that have stood for a long time. Tall! They must have deep roots. Some trees have fallen. Parts of there bodies lay in the water. Parts on the land. All the parts eventually returning to the soil.

I dive off this slippery rock into the pond while submerged I’m touched by her warm and cool currents. In the ponds womb I open my eyes. Her waters are like amniotic fluid but with a dark red hue eventually turning black. Under water staring down into her depths feels like the down ward decent of a roller coaster without the slow build up of the climb. Excitement, blood crawling fear, and joy that fill my body at the unexpected site. To be Alive! Aware in the darkness…

As I stare into her depths a red woman appears before my eyes. Out of fright I unconsciously inhale while still in the ponds womb. Lungs and stomach fill with the abyss. Frantically I grasp for the surface. Swimming any way I can and out of sorts some how I making it to shore.

I made it!!! Laying on the cool wet sands. Inhaling. My lungs fill with air displacing the remaining water. Comforted by the cool sands on my belly and left cheek. Exhausted I sleep.

It feels like my eyes just closed and now I awaken again! Slowly the Red Woman emerges from the water. She is like a flame. Fire rising from water without fear of being extinguished. She has been here before.

The Red Woman. The Fire Woman is naked underneath a crimson hooded cape. Long stands of hide tide around her waist drape her crimson garment to the ground. Her breasts are revealed as she leaves the water. Her belt too drags on the shore as she emerges.

Part 2: Dominating the bottom

She strolls into the woods without looking back at me. I pick myself up out of the sands and follow her into the woods.

I lost her! I sprint in her direction . I venture further into the woods and hear what sounds like leather against skin. What is that? I am still. I listen, realizing I almost ran passed her. In the periphery of my left Eye. I see her swinging her belt made of hide.

Swing! Swinging. Swinging whips like shovels. Now a shovel swings. Dig! Digging. Digging for what was lost.

The lower. The bottom. Her bottom knows no bounds. It’s depths are infinite. Her bottom is in the form of a Man. From afar he doesn’t appear to be an ordinary man. He has the makings and disposition of a battle tested Warrior. His face wrapped in her crimson garment he lay on the soil in deep surrender. Surrender by his Choice. He would rather die than suffer defeat. Surrender vs. Defeat. The two are distinct.

She just keeps swinging. She swings for so long all physical strength is gone from her body. She swings now out of pure will. I ask: “When will her lowers thirst be quenched?”

Squatting in the brush as I watch exhaustion sets in from my swim ashore and my race through the woods. I lay in the ferns and dead leaves. I lay at what I believe to be a safe distance from the scene. The tempo of her swings are like metronome. A rhythm. Rhythmically rocking me to sleep. How ironic. How can the sound of hide on skin be so soothing? My eyes are closing.

I rise! I inhale as if I were previously refused breath. It’s dusk now and there nothing but silence. The silence is broken by a crows song. Where is She? The Fire Woman? I walk to where the woman stood swinging and find a small fire still simmering. It smells like burning Sage and other sacraments. Next to the burnt offering is a ditch. I pick up one of the smoldering leaves and let it’s smoke caress my body.

I drop to my knees and with my finger nails I begin to scratch and dig. Seeking scurrying for what she may have left in the dirt. Dig. Digging. I feel something in the dirt. I dig more carefully and yet faster.

I found it! I pull back the dirt with the caress of my finger tips. Carefully and in anticipation of what’s to be revealed.

My finger tips feel something familiar. Unmistakable! I feel flesh. It can’t be. Moving through my fears, anxious to reveal what’s been hidden in the dirt.

It is flesh. Still warm. Terrified and still having the need to reveal what’s been hidden I stay in the ditch. A face! It’s getting dark out here and the face is still covered in dirt.

I uncover it’s mouth and it gasps for air, “huuuughh!!!”. I jump out of the ditch this time the terror is to much. Still filled with fear I return to the Bottom. They are alive. Barely, but alive. I dig out the rest of there face and head. The head is barely breathing but by know I can see there face. It’s night but the woods are illuminated by a red-ish orange moon.

Through the disheveled hair and beard I recognize the face. Adrenaline is released into my blood stream again. Again I grasp for air. It is Me buried down below.

It’s too much! My nervous system is overwhelmed I pass out back to sleep…

