Piece of Brass With Wings

Cyrus Wild
Intuitive Creations
2 min readOct 12, 2021



On the top of a snow capped mountain Magnificence has captured my attention, as if under a spell. A court built in the shape of a sphere somehow vegetation grows within it walls. Key in hand, I enter through the gates and step out of my armor scarred by indiscriminate arrows of war. My weapons and brute may rest for now. Never breaking stride, naked I approach the piece of brass at the center of the court. She has a doves wings. She is alive. I cannot help but notice she has a likeness to Hera. All else seems like a mirage around Her. Form seems to be ever-changing Here.

In reverence I kneel before this piece of brass at her alter. I bow. I bow deeply. Tops of feet, knees, palms, forearms, and brow supported by the earth. My hands rotate at the wrists. Palms up. I present my offering, it is “I”. It is what I have to give. I give by Choice.

Reverence, love, and devotion transcend there worldly meaning when directed at God. When offering love to God it is renamed Devotion.

I rise. She spreads her wings. Her wings seem to want to block out the sun. Her wing span is vast. She steps off her alter to receive my gift. My alter has been etched out of Egyptian red granite formed over eons.

Upon my alter she evokes hurricane winds that relent against all that stands, lightning strikes and scorches the earth, 100’ tsunamis drag anything that remains back into the sea, rains flood and saturate the the earth, the earth quakes and cracks beneath us. My granite alter is intact. After a few thousand years thick roots and vines have wrapped and intertwined the Two. Brown vines, green leaves, yellow flowers with Purple centers are blooming. The scent of her flowers can only be described as Devotion.

If one were to stumble upon the Two they could only be mistaken for a tree. Trunk and roots indistinguishable. A trunk of vines and flowers; two fully extended wings as its canopy.

